lt;宇宙職業選手gt;Space Pr

lt;宇宙職業選手gt;Space Pr

classification: game
update: 4分鐘前

Xu Jingming shook his head slightly. 。He had heard a number of residents weeping in the night these past few days, most of them were families 'pillars' being forced to leave the Imperial City. 。In the eyes of the great clan, these subordinates are nothing more than pawns to be sacrificed. 。Xu Jingming thought to himself, he had seen too much of these things in the capital city these past few months. He sighed secretly and left. 。In a dwelling next to Xu Jingming's. 。,"Creak" 。The door suddenly flew open, and a thin little boy looked at his parents inside the room and said: "Father" 。The scar-faced man was taken aback, and immediately got up to walk to his son's side. He touched his son's head, his expression a mixture of love and reluctance. 。"Dad, did you leave early this morning" The boy looked at his father. 。We must enter Yang's mansion early this morning and cannot come out again. 。"The scarred man nodded. “We’ll leave first thing tomorrow morning, and Dad might be gone for a very long time.” 。Big boy, Dad's not here, you are the only man in the house, be sure to take good care of your mother and sister. 。","Go to sleep early." 。The man with the scar said 。"Dad"。

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