The Exclusive Daught

The Exclusive Daught

classification: Science fiction
update: 7分鐘前

He was saved by a physician, who carefully planned for him, exerted every effort to help him ascend the throne and secure this vast territory.,Xue Wanting's face changed, and a circle of mist rose in her beautiful eyes, filled with anger. "Never treated unfairly Same as your sisters Who doesn't know that I am merely your Xie family's cousin by marriage Every day I have to rely on the faces of your sisters to get by, and the servants of the Xie family treat people differently based on their status. Whenever I give an order, they all prevaricate and refuse to comply. As the eldest daughter of the Xie family, you naturally wouldn't experience that kind of humiliation of being a nobody and having to rely on others for everything.",“Poisonous woman!” Xiao Chang roared with bloodshot eyes, “The only reason I agreed to marry you was because of your Xie family’s generations of prestige and influence. You were supposed to be a leader in society who would be at my beck and call. Who knew that your grandfather and father were so stubborn, refusing to help me gain power in any way. The Xie family wouldn't serve my purpose, so what use is keeping them around Xie Zhiwei, if I had known this day would come, I should have sent you and your entire Xie family to their grave!”。

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