My pets are all amaz

My pets are all amaz

classification: fantastic
update: 4分鐘前

Three thousand years ago, Mo Yun alone forged the imperial weapon Ping She Bi and presented it to a ruler who brought peace to an era. 。,However, since I have returned to practice and am on my way back to the peak of my power, the time for your demise will come. 。Mo Yun's eyes lit up, clenching his fists, unconsciously bringing a hint of killing intent. 。At first, Long Xian was just Mo Yun's ordinary spirit pet. 。Mo Yun spent countless resources to help it reach level 100. 。Dragons and Immortals of the hundred ranks, their realm is equal to that of Emperors, and even because of the inherent advantages of their spirit beasts, they are a step stronger than ordinary Emperors. 。It can be said that it is now the absolute pinnacle of all worlds. 。Unfortunately, Mo Yun's painstaking cultivation of the Dragon Fairy ultimately led to her choosing betrayal. 。But now Mo Yun has returned, and he is confident that he can make Long Xian pay a heavy price for this. 。,When it comes to refining, he is the only one in the world who can refine immortals. He is called a god, and even emperors and immortals from all ages must show him respect.。

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